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Attic Ted

From his texan psychic kitchen, Attic Ted is cooking the weirdest meal we could ever taste. Real American gastronomy. Not one of these fatty, tasteless goddam burger. Attic Ted is cooking for wounded souls, for warped minds, for haunted subciousnesses… Attic Ted is Wild at heart and weird on top… He visits human psyche and american nightmares through the insane characters he embodies with the beautifully disturbing masks he creates. Each character becomes a wobbly, hilarious and uneasy song or the other way around. Each mask is an extension, an unrealized possibilities of his self. Ted’s attic is filled to the ceiling by dusty shadows and funny monsters, benevolent witches and carnivalesque figures. Drum machine keyboard effects mixing with a strangly unique way of playing guitar. The perfect soundcape for this fucked up journey in a lunatic asylum where every character and every song are an unknown and unamed mental illness. Food for Freud / Schizo-country-compost / Wide eyes acid monsters

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