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Sun Cousto

Trash Folk Fantasies. Death Boogie Climax. Surf Core Desires. Slayer in Wonderland. Love Metal Sabbath. Sun Cousto’s music is the remake of the movie reality could have been. The existing words of an unwritten play. Or the other way around. Two twee satanists theater actresses rebuilding the sound of tomorrow with the songs of yesterday. The concept of real becomes a tricky trap. Rainbow oceanographers seeking the sun of love and the love of sun in between the layers of fiction and its weird double. Pre-retired post-teenagers spending their working life on stage. Skydivers in flying submarines searching for theatrical utopias. Julie Bugnard and Isumi Grichting share their love of life on many stages with the music band Sun Cousto and the theater company You Should meet my cousin from Chernobyl. Two different ways of biting in the loud radioactive cloud of the movie reality could have been.

Cousto Twins Blitz Bop / Satan’s Junk Theater / Post Modern Naïve Blast

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