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Kilowatt Sound Sensation

Technicity evolves. Machines mutate. The consequences of science and progress. An insane, exponential state of acceleration. Speeding up became an obsession. The era of steam and the reign of coal have been replaced by an electric compulsion. A one-track nuclear mind invaded the world. Mechanical and technological improvments took us too far, too fast. Bodies and societies are power central stations. We need electricity, but to avoid a brutal fall this globalized madness named the world has to slow the pace down. Killowatt Sound Sensation was a fleeting, heavy, doomy, plugged meeting between the coal and the steam. It was music for the decay, bringing the blues into the stoner. The father of Led Zeppelin jamming with the kids of Kyuss. Killowatt Sound Sensation was slowing down the rocks and bluesing the stones. The incredible, pachydermic, tricky, massive, delicate drumming of Luc Hess, Louis Jucker’s out of space bass coagulating with Jérôme Correa’s instinctive but intellectual guitars and vocals. Highly skilled musicians juggling with the etheral, infinite invisibility of the air and the deep, heavy weight of the ground. Doomway to heaven / Draisines remain the same / How the west was lost


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