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AbSTRAL compost & Pascal Lopinat

Disturbance. Pandemic. Hotheaded chirurgical diseases. Collapsing ideals and new born burning dreams. Social distance. Bodies ruled by mechanical threats. Soul sucking numeric vampires. History will remember 2020 and Hazard Crumbs is its disturbing lullaby. Organic words assailing the void. Futuristic voodoo industrial drums. A monolith of sound in the field of emptiness. AbSTRAL compost carves into the langage’s flesh, distorts lexicon’s bloodstream, gives grammar a colonic irrigation. Hazard Crumbs is a fragtalized evisceration of the system’s guts. A ritual slaughter rhythmically choregraphed by Pascal Lopinat’s prepared drum. Technical beats, atmospherical waves and backing vocals feeding hungry crumb-scoopers with the bloody remnants of society’s fall. Hazard Crumbs is the sound of now. Hazard Crumbs is the noise of here. People are a power tentacles dismantling machine. People are gathered bodies provoking earthquakes with their cumulated energy… In order to face this order…!..Disorder… Disorder…

Anti corporate hip hop revolution / Street knowledge wrath / Body langage rocking beats

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